If you run or want to run a Maths Art enrichment club, then these instruction sheets for a number of different constructions might be useful. More to follow...
Constructing an Equilateral Triangle (Editable Word | PDF)
Constructing a Square (Editable Word | PDF)
Constructing a Regular Pentagon (Editable Word | PDF)
Constructing a Regular Hexagon (Editable Word | PDF)
Constructing a Seed of Life (Editable Word | PDF)
Constructing a Seed of Life Knot (Editable Word | PDF)

Finding an origami fold that can be completed by novice origamists from Year 7 upwards can be tricky! So here are a few folds that I have tried in Origami Club and have proved popular.
Origami Swan (Editable Word | PDF)
Origami Heart (Editable Word | PDF)
Origami Butterfly (Editable Word | PDF)
Origami Bat (Editable Word | PDF)
Origami Crane (Editable Word | PDF)
Origami Penguin (Editable Word | PDF)